速報APP / 商業 / GTA Restoration

GTA Restoration





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


GTA Restoration(圖1)-速報App

​ www.GTARestoration.com – 24-hour Emergency Services: Water Damage Restoration, Fire Damage Restoration, Flooded Basement Cleanup, Mold Removal & Remediation– serving Toronto & the GTA ​

GTA Restoration has had many years experience in the decontamination of buildings and contents following Water Damage, Flooded Basement, Restoration, Sink Backup in Toronto, Scarborough and Mississauga, fire & flood situations. Rapid response is of utmost importance in any Disaster situation and here at GTA Restoration, we believe that the quicker you can have a team of restorers on site, the more likely it is that the loss/risk could be reduced considerably.

GTA Restoration(圖2)-速報App

GTA Restoration(圖3)-速報App

GTA Restoration(圖4)-速報App